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Gazebo S.p.A. designs, manufactures and installs latest generation prefabricated tanks, water purification plants and fire-fighting systems.

Providing dedicated assistance and solving problems. For over 50 years.
For the industrial, agricultural and residential building sectors, tourist facilities, infrastructures and public bodies.

CAM – Minimum Environmental Criteria.

In January 2022 Gazebo gave concrete form to its commitment to CAM (Criteri Ambientali Minimi, Minimum Environmental Criteria) by obtaining UNI/PdR 88:2020 certification.
This highlights Gazebo’s focus on the environment, which is also expressed in our promotion of the circular economy.

FRC Gazebo System.

FRC (fiber-reinforced concrete), produced by Gazebo in collaboration with BASF, is made using synthetic fibers.
The curing process is accelerated by hardening catalysts but without using steam. Plus, it is water-repellent.
Greater resistance, enhanced durability, less pollution, more peace of mind.

SCC Gazebo System.

The “SCC Gazebo System” uses the innovative Gazebo technology to manufacture prefabricated monolithic tanks using self-compacting concrete (SCC), without steam.
Greater durability, greater safety, no problems.

A history of growth
and continuous investment.

Gazebo’s corporate philosophy is the same as when the company was established: “Innovate with maximum quality“. The enthusiasm of its highly qualified engineers who are trained in-house means Gazebo can always live up to this philosophy.

Gazebo for professionals.

Gazebo helps designers, plant engineers,
building contractors. It offers free design
services, technical support, promptly
drawn up projects, on-site visits and
inspections, technical assistance up to
installation and unbeatable lead times.

A cutting-edge plant
to deliver innovation.

Gazebo is a strong believer in innovation.
That is why the qualified engineers in the
in-house laboratory work tirelessly to
research and develop new products.
In one of the most cutting-edge plants in Italy.

Green Gazebo.
Working for a greener future.

Saving the planet, protecting biodiversity and respecting the environment we work in are priorities for Gazebo S.p.A.

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